Kenkavn brings together a group of passionate experts who love what they do. They share one aim - to go beyond what users expect and become a reliable partner in helping them achieve their goals. We hope you find Kenkavn's content both useful and enjoyable.
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Kenkavn operates as a Content Monetization Platform, also known as a User-generated Content (UGC) Monetization Platform.
We're eager to connect with you and explore how Kenkavn can help you succeed. If you have questions, want to learn about our services, or just wish to know more about us, please get in touch through these channels:
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Kenkavn follows NewsGuard's nine standards for reliability and openness:
Avoids publishing false content repeatedly: The site steers clear of often sharing wrong information.
Collects and shares information responsibly: The site gathers and presents facts carefully.
Fixes or explains errors regularly: The site makes a habit of correcting or clarifying mistakes.
Manages the gap between news and views responsibly: The site clearly separates news from opinion pieces.
Steers clear of misleading headlines: The site avoids using titles that trick or confuse readers.
Website shows who owns and funds it: The site clearly states its ownership and funding sources.
Marks ads clearly: The site makes it easy to spot the difference between ads and articles.
Shows who's in charge, including possible conflicts: The site names its leaders and any potential clashing interests.
Provides names of content makers, with contact or background info: The site gives details about who creates its content.