Seth Godin
Two of the building blocks of a resilient society.
// Two important foundations of a strong and adaptable society.
And the opposite of the lazy shortcut.
// And the opposite of the easy way out.
The meanings of both clauses change over time…
// The meanings of both statements change over time...
Play fair:
- Everyone gets an opportunity to participate, from the very beginning
- Leave your campsite cleaner than you found it
// Leave the place you used cleaner than how you found it
- Take responsibility for the effects and side effects of your work
- Don’t seek monopoly power
// Don't try to become the only one in control
- The long-term is the point
// The long-term is what matters
- Show your work and bring transparency to the market
- Don’t be a jerk
// Don't be rude or unkind. Treat people with respect and kindness.
- Give others the benefit of the doubt
// It's about being willing to suspend judgment until you have a fuller understanding of the circumstances and the person's perspective.
- Call your own fouls and don’t work the refs
// the phrase encourages players to take responsibility for their own actions, play by the rules, and avoid trying to gain an unfair advantage by pressuring or persuading the officials
Work hard:
- Do the reading
- Ask good questions
- Create value
- Change your mind before it’s fashionable
// Don't wait for an idea or perspective to become mainstream or fashionable before adopting it. Be an early adopter and embrace new ways of thinking before they become widely adopted. This shows intellectual courage and foresight.
- Engage in emotional labor and seek out uncertainty
// the phrase seems to be encouraging a mindset of emotional awareness and flexibility, as well as an openness to the unknown and unfamiliar. This could help foster personal growth, creativity, and the ability to navigate complex or ambiguous situations.
- Write the spec, don’t just follow it
// Be an active participant in the design process, not just a passive implementer. The goal is to produce a better end result, not just rigidly follow instructions.
- Play by the rules or work to change them