Keyboard shortcuts for Google Sheets: This is a great resource for quickly learning a range of keyboard shortcuts that can make regular tasks quicker and easier, like navigating your spreadsheet or accessing formulas and functions. This list contains shortcuts for the desktop and mobile versions of Google Sheets so that you can apply them to your work no matter what device you are using.
List of Google Sheets Functions: This is a comprehensive list of the Google Sheets functions and syntax. Each function is listed with a link to learn more.
Keyboard shortcuts in Excel: Earlier in this list, you were provided with a resource for keyboard shortcuts in Google Sheets. Similarly, this resource provides a list of keyboard shortcuts in Excel that will make performing regular spreadsheet tasks more efficient. This includes keyboard shortcuts for both desktop and mobile versions of Excel, so you can apply them no matter what platform you are working on.
222 Excel shortcuts: A compilation of shortcuts includes links to more detailed explanations about how to use them. This is a great way to quickly reference keyboard shortcuts. The list has been organized by functionality, so you can go directly to the sections that are most useful to you.
List of spreadsheet functions: This is a comprehensive list of Excel spreadsheet functions with links to more detailed explanations. This is a useful resource to save so that you can reference it often; that way, you’ll have access to functions and examples that you can apply to your work.
List of spreadsheet formulas: Similar to the previous resource, this comprehensive list of Excel spreadsheet formulas with links to more detailed explanations and can be saved and referenced any time you need to check out a formula for your analysis.
Essential Excel Skills for Analyzing Data: This blog post includes more advanced functionalities of some spreadsheet tools that you have previously learned about, like pivot tables and conditional formatting. These skills have been identified as particularly useful for data analysis. Each section includes a how-to video that will take you through the process of using these functions step-by-step, so that you can apply them to your own analysis.
Advanced Spreadsheet Skills: Mark Jhon C. Oxillo’s presentation starts with a basic overview of spreadsheet but also includes advanced functions and exercises to help you apply formulas to actual data in Excel. This is a great way to review some basic concepts and practice the skills you have been learning so far.